Captain's Log Date 24/05/2024. Week 1.
I have recently landed in the country commonly known as "New Zealand." Travel was lengthy, but smooth (will have to ask control about cryo-sleep pods on the way back). Initial climate readings indicate a cold climate with high humidity, a near-deadly combination for a Floridian such as myself.
The locals are quite charming, calling themselves "Kiwis," which is a tad odd. Previous intel suggested that the term "kiwi" already referred to both a native fruit and bird. Even stranger is the Kiwi people's affinity for the consumption of said fruits, perhaps a form of lexical cannibalism. Though I have not yet observed consumption of kiwi birds by the Kiwi people, I suspect such etymological hunger exists. Below is an image of one of the Kiwi people named Max who I have befriended and negotiated shelter with.

Their use of technology seems to have far surpassed our own. The combination of a standing desk in tandem with phenomenal cable management suggests advancement far surpassing our own. Design schematics will be transferred back to HQ.
One welcome sight is the existence of domesticated canines. The specimen below is named "Sass," and is quite lovely creature. She is noted to enjoy walkies, visits to the dog park, and multi-colored tennis balls. If possible, she may acquisitioned for travel back home several months from now.

Overall, spirits are high. I have gained the trust of several others at Max's workplace, making the transition seamless. Some aspect of the native tongue are a still confusing. Phrases such as "keen to," "cheers," and "choice as" are not registering in the database, perhaps another diversion for more lingual anthropophagy. Regardless, the mission so far has been successful. Expect updates in the near future.