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Week 1 Research (24/05/2024)

Jun 4, 2024

1 min read



My first week working at Plant and Food Research was great! In the first 10 minutes of being there, there was a team meeting to introduce me to the team and let me know what cool work people were completing. Along with that, about an hour later on the first day, everyone in the company was invited to a tea time with homemade snacks where I was introduced to the populace. Great time overall! One person made this treat called "Bienenstich," which loosely translates to "bee sting cake."

After that, I went through a few sets of company orientations on using the laboratory space and getting shown around the maze-like building. I got set up with a desk space in the common area for the honey bee and pollination research team. It's plenty spacious so far (fingers crossed), and everyone at work so far is very nice.

In terms of actual research getting done, I haven't started directly on the varroa laser project quite yet as we are waiting to hear back from the coordinating team up at Auckland University, so in the mean time I have been writing an article for the company to be posted in a national beekeeping journal! Super exciting so far. Will keep posting here.

Jun 4, 2024

1 min read



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