New Zealand has been super great so far! This past week's work has been pretty cool (update on that more specifically in the research portion). One semi-work related activity I'll share about was the fact that a large group of the PFR team came in early one day to pick kiwi fruits at a nearby orchid run by another research company. I have never before seen so many kiwi fruits in the same place, and the bags for carrying them around are quite unique. For the next photo, I tried my hardest to stack as many on top as possible (only a few spilled out).

The weekend before was very relaxing as well. I got a chance to go into Hamilton proper and check out this sort of town square area (I am still so lost in town so I'm not fully sure). I have already devoured the book I had brought along with me so I managed to convince someone to lend me their library card so I could obtain more. The local libraries are a bit small, but I found a few books that look super cool (I already finished another one in between getting them this past weekend and writing this).

If you get the chance, check this out. The author has a great writing style, and the political allegory involved is super interesting. I feel great so far. Everyone is still super inviting and nice, and transitioning to working here has been painless. One coworker also let me borrow their bike, so I have a pretty reliable form of transport whenever my roommate doesn't want to head into work. As I am writing this, I am getting ready to head to another coworkers housewarming party, which should be super fun! Will keep you posted.